About YEFIp
We founded YEFIP to provide a forum for young people to pursue their passion for international politics. We want to create a space where young people from all over the world can come together to engage in lively exchanges of ideas, visions, and projects for the international stage. Every single letter in YEFIP’s name carries significance for this mission.
Y - Young. There are many young people across the globe who want to go into the field of international politics to make a change. However, in contrast to social issues and domestic politics, which are widely discussed, there is a distinct lack of spaces where young people can share their visions for the international stage. YEFIP focusses on these young people to amplify their often overheard voices.
E - Eurasian. Although nowadays Europe and Asia are firmly separated in our collective imagination, there are many connecting strands that weave together this region and its people. Hundreds of years ago, the mighty silk road was this connecting filament; nowadays, through the internet and globalisation, this area is even closer connected into the megaregion of Eurasia.
F - Forum. Across the vast expanses of Eurasia, there is an immessurable wealth of ideas, thoughts, and visions regarding various international conflicts in Eurasia in young people’s minds, from refugee crises in Southeast Asia to economic transitions in the Caspian basin. YEFIP wants to provide a forum to share these ideas on international cooperation with likeminded people.
I - International. Eurasia is deeply interconnected, and there are hardly issues that affect only a single country. We want to encourage young people to think outside of the box that is their own home country and focus on the intricate net of economic, cultural, and social relations that link the continent.
P - Politics. In an age where political fatigue has become the norm, YEFIP seeks to do its part to counter this trend. By giving young people a forum—a safe space—in the field of international politics, we hope to reinvigorate a culture of constructive political discussion.